"Live life on purpose ~ not by accident" ~ Alicia

"When it hurts to look back, and you're scared to look ahead, you can look beside you and your best friend will be there."
-- Author Unknown

"A laugh is a smile that bursts.” ~ Mary H. Waldrip

"Set your goals high and don't be deterred by those who say it is impossible." ~ Steve Fossett

"Our Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless."
Jamie Paolinetti

"A day without laughter ~ is a day wasted"
Charlie Chaplin

"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
— Martin Luther King Jr.

"Gratitude is an inner smile shared" ~ Alicia

Monday, March 7, 2011

Life Happened...now what? Choices: 3 ~ Find joy in the little things or stay on the pity pot©

Hey my friends...

Life keeps on happening in my life...how about you?
Here are some more choices we have:

Find joy in the little things
or stay on the pity pot...

Now, my friends we know about the pity pot...
my old, wise friend used to say to me ~
"you can stay on the pity pot for a little bit...
just don't stay so long you get a ring around your bottom!"

That always makes me laugh ~
hope it made you smile too...
It is a funny visual when you are
feeling sad, grumpy, defeated...
~ in other words ~ on the pity pot

Let's all really think about something
right now.
Look out the window ~
what is something that brings you joy?
I just noticed squirrels chasing each other.

Ok...take a peek around your space.
Do you have a favorite picture nearby
that brings back a great memory?
Go there. Right now. Remember. Smile.

How about friends...do you have any cards or notes
from friends...or your mom and dad... ?
give 'em a call...write them a note.
It will make their day and yours too.

If we take time everyday and re-focus
on the joy in the simple things in life...
our time on the pity pot will be minimal.

Our days were meant to be lived!
Sure, we have to modify...like my yoga practice...
but there is joy in the re-creation of you.
There is!  Make sure of it!  It's your choice.

Joy or pity...
Thrive or stagnation...

Which one are you choosing?
We are on this journey together...
let's thrive with the little joys!

Healing hugs,


One Sick Cookie said...

I needed that tonight. Thanks. :)

Alicia said...

So glad my writing helped you. Keep reading and commenting. ~ a