"Live life on purpose ~ not by accident" ~ Alicia

"When it hurts to look back, and you're scared to look ahead, you can look beside you and your best friend will be there."
-- Author Unknown

"A laugh is a smile that bursts.” ~ Mary H. Waldrip

"Set your goals high and don't be deterred by those who say it is impossible." ~ Steve Fossett

"Our Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless."
Jamie Paolinetti

"A day without laughter ~ is a day wasted"
Charlie Chaplin

"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
— Martin Luther King Jr.

"Gratitude is an inner smile shared" ~ Alicia

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Life Happened...now what? Choices: 2. ~ Give life your all or give up ©

"Never, never, never, never give up" ~ Winston Churchill

My friends, that is a quote that always reminds me of my
son...who never, ever gives up.   He inspires me.

We all can find people in our lives who inspire us,
ones who help keep us going one more day.

I promised you I would continue this blog with my
top 10 Choices...Life Happened...now what?

These days, we all have many reasons to give up.
Especially if you, like me, had your life turned upside down.

You may have been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis...
have to take harsh medicine which take perhaps a year to work...
all the while, you are sick and feel like giving up.

Don't.   I didn't.    I almost did though.

In the meantime, you may have had to take time off from work
to get well...and maybe your company "let you go"...
and you absolutely feel like giving up.

Don't.  I didn't.   I almost did though.

As you start to feel better with your medicine regimen,
your tests come back that you have an inflamed liver
and your heart is not acting right...
Now, you are ready to throw in the towel...
to really give up...

Don't.  I didn't.   I almost did though.

You give life your all ~ eating right, exercising,
resting, living by the golden rule,
and your medical news keeps knocking you down...
and you and your partner can't understand what more
you can do to beat this thing...

Don't give up.   We aren't...

I wake up everyday grateful ~
grateful for a trip to see my ma,
for a movie with my dude, to have a great talk
with my geel, to show the boyz how to cook,
to laugh with family and friends, walk with my pets,
to schnuggle with my brit, pray to my angels, and to share
with all of you...

Yeah, I could give up...
But I'd miss all that good stuff.

Healing hugs,


Friday, February 18, 2011

Life Happened...now what? Choices: 1. ~ Action or Inaction ©

“Action conquers fear.” 

~ Peter Nivio Zarlenga

As promised, I am taking the ten choices from
"Life Happened...now what?" and breaking down
each one for my next several blogs.  

As one of my readers said on the list
"This is a Wonderful Blueprint for Life"

Life Happened...now what?

We all deal with pain, fatigue, job losses,
divorces, new jobs, new friends,
changes in our physical abilities to socialize
and get out, many, many changes.

All of these changes ~ and a thousand others,
can be paralyzing.
Stopping you in your tracks.

How many times do you plan
to do something, but it is just
too difficult to get started.
Too scary.

Or you could look at it another way.
It is a lot easier to do things
the same old way.
No changes, no stress.

But ~ You don't grow.
You aren't really living
a full life, are you?

What do we have to do to
change our mindset?

My friends...to begin
we have two choices...
or inaction.

Think about it and give it a go.
Don't use the word try anymore.
Just do it.

Think of the Christmas Movie (a big USA hit)
where Chris Kringle is singing ...
"put one foot in front of the other....
and soon you'll be walking out the door."


Or you can do nothing.
Nothing changes, if nothing changes.

It is up to you.
It is up to me.
Inaction is a vicious cycle.
I am spinning out of it.

Taking action.
Join me.

Healing hugs,


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Life Happened...now what? A top ten list of choices ©

Ever wake up one day
and say...

Life Happened...
Now what?

I wake up with that thought

Everyday I have a choice.

Here is a top ten choices for someone with
Chronic Illness/Pain.

1. Action                                   or         inaction
2. Give life your all                   or         give up
3. Find joy in the little things    or          be on the pity pot
4. Communicate with friends    or          isolate
5. Re-create yourself                 or          focus on all the things you can't do anymore
6. Enjoy the simplicities in life  or         keep up with our old pace and break our bodies down
7. Exercise ~ every day             or         let your body stiffen up faster ~ advance your disease
8. Rest ~ listen to your body     or         fall at the end of the day, exhausted ~ depleted
9. Live in faith                          or          live in fear of your future
10. Embrace every single day   or         wish you had someone else's life.

My friends, I truly believe that ALL of us, whether dealing with RA or losing jobs, going through
divorces, life changes....we face these choices.   Each day is a decision, isn't it?

Make the right choice, today, for you.

In my future blogs...I am going to take each one, one by one...just like I would if I were coaching someone.   :)

Healing hugs,


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

You save me everyday ©

Hello my friends!
We are trudging through
another foot of snow...
here's one for you
and your pet friends :)

You save me

With your smile
your company.

No matter how my day is
you are beside me

making me smile
and be grateful...for you.

I love going for walks
being free spirits
on the healing trail

I know you walk much faster
than me...
but you always look back
making sure I'm ok.

You save me everyday
when I am bored
you say, let's go for a walk.
How can I say no...
even for a little one.

You save me
you keep me busy
making me laugh

Aren't we so lucky.
we saved you.

To Tyler...my dog.
And to my chubby Kitty Sassy
who is preoccupied with food 24/7
They make me laugh all day long.

Healing hugs,