Hello my friends!
Wegohealth.com asked me to contribute in some way to Invisible Illness Week. I wrote this for everyone that is affected by Invisible Illnesses personally, and perhaps to give to family members or friends to help them understand.
Check out www.wegohealth.com ~ they empower health advocates to help others! They are on Facebook and Twitter as well...many ways to spread the word!
Be well, my friends! Together, we will thrive and live joyful, fulfilling lives. ~ Alicia
Inspiration Idea: Write a poem on what inspires you!
What inspires you most? Alicia (www.meempoweredvsra-alicia.blogspot.com) reached out with a poem she wrote about Invisible Illness and how, looking to God inspires her to keep going. Check out her poem about getting through those hopeless moments with Invisible Illness below. Have you written a poem about Invisible Illness?
(Thanks for sharing your individual inspiration with us, Alicia!)
The Invisible Ghost beside me © by Alicia
Oh Lord, who is this Ghost beside me,
Inside me
Wreaking havoc with my life?
Why am I am the only one you are revealing
This ghost to?
Why Lord is this Ghost invisible for others
To see?
Don’t you know that other’s would understand?
Be more compassionate…more kind.
Lend a hand.
Why does my Ghost have to be invisible to everyone
But me?
Lord, tell me, please! I need to know.
I am suffering and I don’t understand!
You know how proud those of us who carry this
Weight of the invisible “ghost” are.
We put on a good front. We try to put on a little
Make up, be beautiful, smile, as our dignity and
Abilities slowly and quickly diminish.
Lord…no one believes us with our Invisible Illnesses.
We lose friends, we lose jobs, careers, family members.
Why Lord, Why?
What is that? Hmmmm I am listening…
Hmmm OK, I guess I understand, but it still is painful ~ nonetheless.
So when people walk away because they see the
Superficial side of our disease and don’t look deeper,
Lord, you are saying…
They weren’t really there to begin with anyway?!
Wow.! Tough to digest Lord, as my circle gets smaller and
Smaller and my invisible illness gets more serious.
What’s that?
Oh. That’s true. I am blessed. Even if we have but a handful of true friends
Aren’t we blessed? As painful as it is to lose family and friends, Lord, due to this
Invisible “ghost” of a disease…I am gaining stronger bonds and truer relationships.
Thanks for the talk Lord…I was beginning to give up hope.
What’s that? Ok, I won’t lose hope Lord. I will always trust you.
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