"It’s hard to wait around for something you know may never happen;
but it’s even harder to give up when you know it’s everything you want."
~ Author Unknown
Hello my friends!
My friend Darlene sent me the above quote.
How perfect for me and anyone waiting and hoping
for a cure, relief, or help that is out of our hands.
You know, I am bold, honest and write my heart out here.
What a journey this is.
One I never saw coming ~ other things, but not RA.
And surely not to affect our family like this.
I told my PCP that I really try to explain to my friends and readers
what it is like to have RA, especially being so young.
He said "Have you ever said it is like having the flu, aches and pains
all over your body, feverish and chills, no energy, just blah...but
everyday of your life...even on a good day." My eyes got big ~
He gets it. Yeah, that's what it is like... on a good day. Bad days
are worse.
In order to survive this disease, I needed to change.
I had to slow down. Slow my mind down, my body down,
my heart down, my passions down, slow down everything
I planned on doing in my life. Give up many, many things.
Change the way I live day to day. Hardly visit anyone ~
that sucks. What can I do?
Modify my yoga to completely do it probrably like no other
person on earth does it...without any pressure on my hands
and with sneakers on. And it works! It really does.
Guess what happened, my friends? Well, besides changing
my RA meds to I feel the strongest ones out there for me...
the changes I made, changed my MRI! YUP.
You see, my Rheumatoid Arthritis story is told in my MRI's,
not my bloodwork. I have sero-negative RA. That is why
it took so long to diagnose me and why I go to Boston.
Anyway, last week I went to the doctor, as I spoke about
in my last blog. I received the MRI findings in the mail
last night. All the modifications in my lifestyle, i.e. basically
resting my body when it needed it, which was all.the.time.
working out everyday to a modified way, eating healthy,
meditating everyday, resting, resting, resting...
The tears in my tendons and ligaments are totally intact now.
WHAT? YUP. It is a miracle. A huge miracle.
Can you imagine my surprise when I read that?
The erosions are still there (of course) but no broken bones or
fractures...so the RA has stabilized.
So, my friends, sometimes life hands you a tough, tough time.
You may think you will never get through it, but you will.
You may think you can't change the way you are, but you CAN DO IT!
One baby step at a time!
Amazing things can and do happen,
if you listen to your body and your doctors.
Now, does this mean I am cured and have all the energy in the
world and no aches and pains...I Wish. That is not how this
nasty disease works.
I still have a severe case of RA ~ it doesn't go away.
Medicine induced remissions are rare, but I still sing the Remission song!
I have great hopes for the spring and summer to
enjoy time with friends and my family. We all deserve it.
It's been a long, difficult two years.
I couldn't have made it without the love and support that my friends
and family have given me...Thank you so much. Know that
I pray for all of you too and am only a click away!
With a heart full of gratitude!
Healing hugs,
<3 Love how positive you are <3
With family and friends that are there during the good and bad days...you all give me strength, hope, and a good belly laugh. You are a great friend...keep sending me great quotes Darl. xo
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