"Live life on purpose ~ not by accident" ~ Alicia

"When it hurts to look back, and you're scared to look ahead, you can look beside you and your best friend will be there."
-- Author Unknown

"A laugh is a smile that bursts.” ~ Mary H. Waldrip

"Set your goals high and don't be deterred by those who say it is impossible." ~ Steve Fossett

"Our Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless."
Jamie Paolinetti

"A day without laughter ~ is a day wasted"
Charlie Chaplin

"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
— Martin Luther King Jr.

"Gratitude is an inner smile shared" ~ Alicia

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Acceptance ©

Acceptance is such an important part of my RA journey My friends, acceptance is key to not being stuck in the muck with RA or any other chronic disease - but it is a tough one to swallow. Blech - who wants to swallow what comes with RA? YAY! I got a diagnosis! Now, I am more ill from the “cure”. That is a tough pill to swallow. Ones that you know will make you sick before they make you better - IF they make you better. Being an optimist, I always want to stay hopeful - look on the bright side. Phew, this RA and my “cure” has tired me out. At least this week it has. You know what though, let me count my blessings - I enjoyed a relaxing day with my loving Brit - by the river - had a great BBQ the next day with a friend of ours. On Monday, I had to cancel with a friend because the Methotrexate was kicking in full force. So, I chilled with my love and my kids and pets. Life could be worse - Is it hard? Yes. I had to leave my favorite Gentle Yoga class today because I almost passed out and was so ill - but I was shown so much compassion from my friend and instructor. We need to look beyond the blahs, pain and fatigue of the daily grind, my friends, and find the simple blessings. I called my doctors’ office to speak to the nurse about the Methotrexate effects - when “she” called me back - wasn’t I surprised to hear Dr. D on the phone saying - “Hi Alicia, this is Dr. D and I understand you aren’t feeling so well.”... What a blessing! We are making changes to my Methotrexate and Leucovorin (Folic Acid/Calcium,etc) times and doses so that I will have a better week next week. Dr. D. thinks it is going to work - we will just have to keep a close eye on things. So, my friends, acceptance doesn’t happen overnight. It doesn’t happen by yourself. It isn’t an easy journey - but it is a necessary process to go through for us to have healthy, vibrant lives and to THRIVE! I don’t know about you, but I am not letting any disease, any person, any company anything stop me from living the best life possible. Join me as we learn how to accept life on life’s terms - and THRIVE! ~ Healing hugs, Alicia

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